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direct vision中文是什么意思

用"direct vision"造句"direct vision"怎么读"direct vision" in a sentence


  • 直接视, 中央视觉
  • 直接视觉


  • B ultrasound or ct - guided percutaneous biopsy or thoracoscopic biopsy under direct vision of multiple diagnostic value
  • Cars , many helmets and caps are equipped with visors to block the sun from direct vision when the sun is at a low angle
  • Conclusion with the advantages of clear operation field , direct vision , mild trauma , rapid recovery and avoidance of facial scar , intranasal endoscopic surgery can treat the nose - eye related diseases and nasal diseases at the same time
  • Unlike conventional open surgery , where operative manoeuvres are predominantly intuitive , surgeons practicing mis have to operate and assess organ structures on a television monitor with its flat two - dimensional image rather than relying on direct vision and the important sensation of touch . not only are movements restricted by the keyhole access , they also become paradoxical in nature since the normal direct coupling of hand and eye no longer applies
用"direct vision"造句  
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